Holiday conversations that can save relationships

You're going on holiday. Fantastic!
All the stresses of the last few months will disappear, you'll be able to switch off and just have fun! Well that is the idea, isn't it?
What can often happen is people hold it all together to get to their holiday destination, then after a few drinks [ for some people] or a little too much sun [ for some people] tiredness might also creep in a little because you are all staying up later than usual! Tempers might start to get a little frayed… things get said and are hard to unsay...
This has a knock on effect to both of you [ and anyone else you are holidaying with] its almost like the relief of arriving on holiday sets free a load of stored up irritations and resentments! Ok, not for everyone, not every time, but sometimes it happens...
I recommend, either just before or soon after arrival, you do a reflect conversation, what were the best holidays you have shared or experienced, focus on what it is like to be happy on holiday, give each other time to be alone or active, create some 'me time' share responsibilities for planning the time you are away, and agree doing nothing is a 'thing' if it feels right.
Reflect on past holidays and what made them special, memories can then trigger wanting more of what works.
What's your top holiday togetherness tip?
#HolidayPlanning #TravelTips #Vacation #StressFreeTravel #TravelSmart
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